One of the details that really enhances an tabletop army is a proper set of regimental colours, and since unit-specific flags add so much character to a miniature army, but British Marine Colours are somewhat difficult to come by (and a bit of a contention among reenactors), I settled on creating my own.
After doing some [somewhat dubious] research into the matter, I went about creating my flags based on some accounts of the Regimental and King's colours likely carried by the Marines in Boston and the early stages of the Revolutionary War. Several sources cite a tailor's receipt for silk flags, describing the use of the fouled anchor and the rose and thistle motif commonly used by most other regiments. While not explicitly mentioned, I included St. George's Cross on the Regimental since it is specified by the 1768 warrant, and the Marines did their best to be able to fit in when on land campaign alongside the army. (Also it adds a lot more visual interest).

I will do a separate post to describe the process used to design the flag graphics, so for now suffice to say it was done using the Adobe Creative Suite, and printed to scale (used same measurements as the flags printed in the Perry painting guide that came with the figures) on a professional digital press on nice uncoated paper stock, which was then glued in place with watered down PVA.
From here I'll be adding the rest of the set's command group: an officer on foot and musician.