I'm afraid I lost my WIP shots with my old computer, so this is a little more of a show and tell post.
Although far from my favorite Star Wars film, Rogue One did resonate with me on a lot of levels (I think it was my own hopes for a space heist film a la Firefly that let me down the most). One of the things I did was love Blue Squadron.
My repaint is a bit of a cheat, as I did not strip the prepainted FFG model. Instead, I lightly primed with a dusting of white spray primer and then went to town.
I had a serious advantage over modellers in the past this time. Since we now have streaming video, i was able to call up Rogue One on Netflix on my computer and freeze and screen cap to get a good look at the on-screen ships.
I painted my T-65 as Blue Leader, though he has no officals rules as of now. I've been playing him as Garven Dreis (Red Leader) as his pilot ability makes for a decent generic unit leader type role.
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