
Monday, February 18, 2019

Not so Snowy Snowtroopers

I have always been a bit conflicted about the Imperial Snowtroopers. I really like their uniforms, and I always welcome more imperial troops, but struggle with including them in non-Hoth forces (a problem that calls back to my childhood action figures). Their very theatre-specific uniforms look amazing; they just don't seem right when they're out of this context. Christmas (and more specifically my family) was very good to my hobby this season, and now I'm the proud owner of a squad of these troops.

I had been thinking of trying an alternate paint scheme for these troops, a sort of infantry version of General Veers' uniform, when I saw Solo's great 5 minutes of the Imperial war machine on Mimban. Here were the troops I was looking for! Solo's regiment wore red accents on their armor, which saved the uniforms from being pure brown-grey, adding some much needed visual interest to a patently monochromatic scene.

While not exactly snowtroopers in different colors, the Imperial Infantry helmets were quite similar, as were some of the armour pieces. Close enough, anyway, that I could easily adapt the look. To test, I started with the ion special weapon trooper (so far the meta-consensus is that he's optional at best).

Though I was prepared to count the trooper as a practice piece, I really like how he turned out. The rest of the squad will adopt these uniforms, as will the E-Web crew. (Of course this is basically turning my Galactic Empire army into an Imperium army.... but whatever.) For recipes, the coat/skirt is Citadel Stormvermin Fur, highlgihted toward VPA Canvas, while the trousers are Citadel Skavenblight Dinge highlighted the same way. Armor is VMC German Fieldgrey up to VMC Green Grey. Pouches and boots done as leather using VMC German Camo Black Brown. Basing will match the rest of my Legion minis.

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