
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Snowspeeder Part V: Weathering and Final Assembly

So I finally took photos of the progress on the Snowspeeder. At last I got to work on the fun part. There's a lot of joy in streaking grease-colored paint across your until-now clean grey model; this is the phase when your creation takes on a life and tells a story.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Not so Snowy Snowtroopers

I have always been a bit conflicted about the Imperial Snowtroopers. I really like their uniforms, and I always welcome more imperial troops, but struggle with including them in non-Hoth forces (a problem that calls back to my childhood action figures). Their very theatre-specific uniforms look amazing; they just don't seem right when they're out of this context. Christmas (and more specifically my family) was very good to my hobby this season, and now I'm the proud owner of a squad of these troops.