
Sunday, December 16, 2018

3D Printed E100 part II

Having discovered that Milliput is not the right tool for leveling fillament lines on 3D printed models, I moved on to Tamiya putty. This gap filler comes premixed in a metal tube. Its smell agrees with the vapor warnings on the packaging, so I used it outdoors. It has a much more fluid consistency, with enough viscosity to fill in small gaps.

I applied it with the same scuplting tools as last time, but also made use of my (nitrile gloved) finger to help smooth it.

I'm just starting to learn to use the putty, so it's a bit gloppy in parts

When the putty had dried (really only about an hour) I went back to sanding. Depending on the area I used sand paper, sanding sticks, and needle files.

The tank after a final round of sanding. You can see some of the PLA coming through in parts. The idea was not to cover the whole model with putty, but to level out its surface.

The grey putty was the key. The model is finally ready for the familiar stages of painting up armour models, or as I call it, "The Fun Part."

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