
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Snowspeeder part II: Squadron Markings

Having finished the pre-shading and base layer phases on my Snowspeeder, I moved on to adding squadron markings. In Empire, two distinct paint styles can be seen flying over the icy rebel trenches on Hoth. There are speeders with red insignia, and some with grey markings.

Luke's Rogue Leader T-47 sported the grey, while the majority of the speeders were in red. I chose to go with the grey because I like its more subdued aesthetic. Though the model has strong panel lines to follow, I used a mask and airbrush my markings. This gives a much finer surface quality and crisper edges than even if I followed the panels by hand.

The Big Reveal
The airbrush was also the obvious answer of how to paint the large heat sink on the back of the speeder, with its deep recesses and hard to reach areas.

Masking out the radiator with hobby masking tape.
From here I sprayed VMC Black Gery into the back of the model, and when it had dried, hit it with Nuln Oil ink to exaggerate the shadows and darken the color a little.

So this is where the model currently stands: the main paint job is complete, squadron markings applied, and some of the darkest parts have been painted. From here it's mostly details and weathering (and then on to a bit of a display base...)

This is also about where I realize that I still need to address the canopy windows. With 90° beveled insets it would be exceedingly hard to mask for more airbrushing. I should have probably started with the windows first, then covered them with a mask. Oops. ...soooo it looks like I'll be hand painting them. I'll have to give up that smooth airbrush surface but it might be the only way to handle it from where I am.

Hopefully the next update will show perfectly and tastefully painted windows. Or maybe I'll start a new category of hobby Pinterest fails...

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