
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Snowspeeder part II: Squadron Markings

Having finished the pre-shading and base layer phases on my Snowspeeder, I moved on to adding squadron markings. In Empire, two distinct paint styles can be seen flying over the icy rebel trenches on Hoth. There are speeders with red insignia, and some with grey markings.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Snowspeeder part 1: pre shading

After a bit of a dry spell, I'm happy to report that I made it back to my painting bench!
A vigilant Facebook SW Legion community shared an amazing sale on the T47 Airspeeder, and the deal was too good to pass up. The model takes very little assembly which lets you focus on the painting portion. For this model I am trying my hand at the pre-shading technique

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Churchill Tank 2

I have decided to paint all my Churchill tanks uniquely. This is not for any historic reasons except for the fact that there are a lot of variations in the paint on the original vehicles from this theater, especially if extended from Mediterranean into Southern Europe. Basically I am doing this so I get to try more fun paint schemes.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Churchill Tank 1

A year ago I received a set of three Churchill tanks for Flames of War. They are late war Churchill VIIs but I plan to take a few liberties to include them in the latter part of my mid war desert group.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Stall Warning

I'm afraid I'm stalling out on my painting again. I was so happy to be consistently creating after a bit of a down period, but life conspires to keep me from my brush, and I am less happy for it. Couple this with a few too many options and indecision kicks in when I do have the opportunity to paint and wastes precious time.

I do have some more updates to share that haven't been written up yet, so I will post more about my desert war British group. I had really hoped that I would be farther along with my Star Wars Legion minis by now, but have so far accomplished two test squads in about 5 months.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Crusader Tank Test Models

The Crusader tank is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of equipment used by the British army in the North Africa campaign in 1942-3. Its very modern appearance belies a rather mediocre performance, but despite eventually being replaced in service by the more reliable lend lease Sherman, it played a vital role in the war in the desert.